
A touch of humanity...

We are living at a time when alienation is present everywhere and is one of the biggest social problems. Globalisation, computerization, virtual communication... Contribution of all of these to the overall social progress is unquestionable, but we have, quite unintentionally, lost the focus of our attention – the biggest value in life: the man itself.  

Everybody who knows us is aware that our activities are mainly based on personal contact and direct field work with our users. In the office, classroom, cafe, street... Wherever we are and wherever we undertake our activities we try to empower our users, educate them, entertain them, cheer them up, and give them gifts, but, first and foremost, spend time together and continue to be human.

VRIJEME ZA SREĆU (Time for Happiness) and VESELI KUTAK (A Happy Corner) are programmes for children in need while DAR OD SRCA (A Gift from the Heart) is our most important humanitarian programme.


udruga za djecu i mlade

Trg grada Heidenheima 1
44000 Sisak, Hrvatska

t: 044 536 574


Posjetite nas na društvenim mrežama


Tekstovi, fotografije, video i audio: Novi svijet
Idejni koncept i oblikovanje: Novi svijet

Svi sadržaji objavljuju se u najboljoj namjeri.
Objavljivač ne odgovara za bilo koji oblik prenošenja ili interpretacije.

web development @ ČuBraD
copyright @ Novi svijet 2024